Thursday, November 8, 2007

Just A Quick Post

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Hi sorry I was home late tonight and I'm just about to head out again now so I have two quick little updates to shoot off to you today...

First off, Ben Cousins has returned to Australia, reportedly to Sydney to continue his rehab closer to home but away from the glare of Western Australia. Good luck, Ben!

Secondly, if you read my post from yesterday the following will make a lot more sense! So the guy who I will from here on refer to as ULS (Unrequited Love of September), the guy who really liked me in September but I just didn't feel the same way about, has started flirting/hitting on me again. Today he played with my hair as I walked out of the classroom ahead of him and I had a total realisation, epiphany, lightbulb moment or as Oprah would call it, my "aha!" moment: I don't want any guy to play with my hair but Pete. I don't want anyone else to touch me or flirt with me or do ANYTHING with me except for Pete.

This is terrible! It means I really am stuck on Pete! I thought this was just a little crush... arrgghh I have to shake this off somehow and focus on my upcoming exams. I couldn't focus through my three practise exams today; I was so distracted thinking about my fabulous weekend and, of course, Pete. I can't focus, I have no appetite, I can't sleep... This is so bad!

Any comments, bloggers and readers? I could really use some feedback, I feel kinda alone!

Love and a stomach full of butterflies,