So I found a spare few minutes in my crazy life and decided to blog again after a FIVE MONTH HIATUS! I don't even know if anyone will read this, but I just wanted to get something out and get a feel for the old bloggy world I have missed being a part of!
I was a child of the 90's in every sense. I loved watching Blossom and Saved By the Bell, I wore denim overalls and I said "As if!" and "Talk to the hand!" Here are I few of the things my friends and I were obsessed with in our younger years, inspired by recent nostalgic conversations...
1) Cabbage Patch Doll
Mine was called Willa Rhonda and I still have her! And her hair still smells of delicious baby powder like it did when I first got her in 1995.
2) Transformers
OK, so these were pretty much just for the boys but I loved them! My first crush Brad had a dark blue one that transformed into a car. IT WAS AWESOME!
3) Tamagotchi
I'm talking about Version 1 here. I was in Grade 3, Tamagotchis had been around for about a year and then my school BANNED THEM. To use a very 2000's phrase, we were devo.
4) Tiny Teddies
Oh my gosh, along with Roll-Ups, these little babies were the coolest things to have in your lunchbox. My faves were the choc-chip or honey flavours. Silly was the cutest. No-one liked Grumpy.
5) Hanson
So apparently one of the brothers got married a little while back (I thought they were all still like 17!), and I started singing the good old "Mmm Bop". My little sister had NO IDEA what I was singing, and even after I showed her the video on YouTube, she still said she had never heard of the three brothers. Kids these days.
(BTW- I know two of the brothers were named Issac and Zac, but can you remember the name of the third brother? My friends and I couldn't, so the answer is at the bottom of the post.)
6) Muppets: Treasure Island
One of the first movies I ever saw at the cinema, this sparked a continuing love for all things Miss Piggy and Kermit. I heart Fozzie Bear for ever.
7) Capri pants
I had a pair of denim ones and a khaki pair and WORE them to DEATH! Of course, you had to wear them with either a 3/4 length shirt or a super-cute button-up floral blouse. Adorable.
8) Baby Born
I was SO JEALOUS when my best friend Cathy got one of these for Christmas. But we already had my little sister and Mum said we could only have one thing in the house that cried and needed feeding and cleaning up after constantly.
I secretly still want one.
9) Adidas Three-Stripe Tracksuit Pants
I think every single person at my netball club had a pair of these in either black or navy. You know the ones- parachute material, rustled when you walked, three white stripes running down the left leg. Then markets started selling cheap knock-offs with only two stripes. But if you wore those, you were just sad. Get the real thing or go home.
10) Friendship Bracelets
The type you made from plaiting coloured wool and then tying it around your best-friend-of-the-week's wrist. Couldn't take it off, so it stayed on until it fell off.
Number of friendship bracelets on your wrist at any one time= your popularity
xoxo bubblygirl
14 years ago