OK, so I am normally a hard-working, "let's get it done now" sort of person, but lately, for some inexplicable reason (it probably has *something* to do with the fact that the school year is drawing to a close... YAY!) I have become an absolute, hopeless procrastinator. Case in point- I am supposed to be doing homework right now, which I am putting off in order to write this blog. (So appreciate it, people! I'm blowing off homework to write this for you! Just jokes, guys, don't stress.)
Anyway, I feel completely guilty the entire time I am procrastinating, but I JUST CAN'T STOP! My usually focussed, long attention span is now resembling that of a five year old boy (or a fifteen-year-old boy for that matter... basically, boys of any age just can't, nay DON'T tend to pay attention all that often for all that long!). Maybe it has something to do with this crazy weather (31 degrees one day, 15 the next -what the?!) or maybe it is just complete exhaustion due to my relentless routine. Hmmm. I don't know. But I found this great article on the Net about how to procrastinate effectively. You can read it
here on positivesharing.com (incidently where I found the great photo above). The best tip I got out of that article was to throw yourself into the procrastination 100%, just as I would in anything else in life. If you are going to procrastinate, don't waste the procrastination time thinking about WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING, just enjoy the break from life and enjoy everything you do and get the most you possibly can out of whatever it is you are doing.
Basically, just enjoy life, kids!
And on a little sidenote, how much would you just love to be lying on a couch in a sun-filled loungeroom, like the women in the piccy, before your gorgeous boyfriend/husband comes home and decides to cook you a beautiful dinner before whisking you out for a night on the town, agreeing to dance to as many girly songs as you want, and happens to look like either David Beckham, Brad Pitt, George Clooney or Collingwood footy player Shane Wakelin (google him, he's gorgeous!) and quotes romantic Shakespearian lines to me all day long while working hard on important things like saving the world, curing cancer and ending climate change... Whoo sorry! Got a little carried away there! But see, I was procrastinating/day-dreaming 100%, throwing myself into it wholeheartedly!
Sorry about the prolix post, but I just had to get all that off my chest (and put off my homework just a few minutes longer!).
Love always and happy procrastinating!